Another Fall Giveaway!

Here at Go Explore Gift Cards we are thankful so many things:  Our families, our health, our beautiful natural surroundings, our business partners, and especially our supporters!  This is the time of year to slow down and be mindful about those around you and what you have and show your gratitude.  So we are giving away another round of $50 and $100 gift cards to 2 lucky winners!  Check out our social media posts and enter to win.  The more you engage, the more chances you have to win.  It’s that simple!

Our 1st round of giveaways ended in October and 2 winners were notified and sent their gift cards.  The $50 one can be used to cover the cost of 85% of our experiences listed, whereas the $100 gift card would grant you access to any and all of them*.  The choice is up to you.  Winning one of these would make a great stocking stuffer this year or an upcoming birthday gift.  Or just a way of saying “thank you” to some young person in your life.  Give them the gift to choose their own interests!

*As always, with any giveaway, you will automatically be entered for the $100 giveaway if you enter your email to receive our newsletter at:

Good luck