Why Do People Hold On to Gift Cards?
We’ve been making friends with the robots recently. What I mean by that is we’ve been noticing a trend in social media and all over the internet really, where people are using services like ChatGPT more and more often to ask it questions and get immediate responses. Some of them need an edit, of course. But some are down-right captivating.
So we asked ChatGPT, “Why do so many people tend to hold on to gift cards rather than use them?”
But first, the backstory: Recently I wanted to order some things from REI. An axe, a saw, and some other supplies to throw in my summer firewood bin for car camping. I remembered that I had a printout of a gift card we got from our wedding registry – in 2010! This printout saying we had $100 that someone had given us to spend at REI was sitting in a drawer in my desk somewhere. Now over the years I have been to REI countless times. I’ve purchased many things. But I’ve also received other gift cards from there from students and people showing appreciation in the plastic form. I’ve used those off and on (disclaimer: I may still have 1 or 2 with money on them in my wallet as I type this). And every year I try to spend all of my gift cards over the holiday break as a way of treating myself. But the question still begs an answer: why do we hold on to them, potentially losing that money in the process?
This is the response we got:
There are several reasons why people tend to hold onto gift cards rather than use them right away:
- Indecision: They can’t decide what to buy, especially if the card is for a store with a wide range of options. They might wait for the “perfect” item.
- Saving for a Big Purchase: Some people hold onto gift cards to combine them with other funds for a larger purchase or a sale.
- Forgetfulness: Many people simply forget they have the gift card, especially if it’s not digital or easily accessible.
- Emotional Attachment: If the gift card was a meaningful gift, people might hesitate to use it because spending it feels like “using up” the gift.
- Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Physical cards can get misplaced, or digital ones might get buried in email inboxes.
- Lack of Need: If the gift card is for a store or service they don’t frequent, they might struggle to find something they truly want.
- Paralysis by Choice: Too many options can lead to decision fatigue, making them put off using the card altogether.
- Waiting for a Better Deal: People might hold onto gift cards, expecting future discounts, sales, or new product releases.
- Expiration Confusion: Some might mistakenly think they have plenty of time to use the card, even if it has an expiration date.
- Re-Gifting Potential: Sometimes people hold onto gift cards intending to re-gift them to someone else.
They left off by saying: It’s a good idea to use gift cards sooner rather than later to avoid losing them or forgetting about them!
We agree with a lot of those sentiments. Some more than others.
There are over 150 Go Explore Gift Cards out there in the Front Range of Colorado just waiting to be used. Don’t lose that card. There’s money on there! Someone has given you the gift of an experience. They want you to go and explore your own interests. Don’t wait around. Pick an experience and make some memories. Go Explore!